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What is an Access Door? Are They Necessary?

29 06, 2018

What is an Access Door? Are They Necessary?


At Facilitec West, we cannot stress enough how important it is to receive a quality cleaning for your restaurant’s kitchen exhaust system. It doesn’t take long for commercial cooking operations to start gathering grease build up in the exhaust system; that is why at each cleaning we provide a “down-to-the-metal” clean that eliminates the caked-on [...]

31 05, 2018

Frequently Asked Questions About Kitchen Exhaust Systems


Kitchen exhaust systems seem to be an anomaly for those who don’t work with them frequently. In fact, even if you have one you may not understand them! We are frequently asked questions about our customers exhaust systems. A well-maintained restaurant hood system is crucial to fire prevention and staff and customer safety. Here are [...]

29 03, 2018

Does Your Restaurant Cook Food or Burn Dollar$?


Many hotels, restaurants, and businesses with a commercial kitchen have asked themselves the question, “Is my kitchen exhaust that important?” My response to that question is, “If your business’s server and computers have a virus or are running slow, would that pose a risk to your worker’s productivity and the data of your company?” No [...]

16 02, 2018

Things Every Restaurant Owner Should Know


Many restaurant owners don’t know the true importance of getting quality kitchen exhaust system cleanings. There is a huge difference between a “sort-of-clean” exhaust system and a “down-to-the-metal-clean” exhaust system. Here are some other things every restaurant owner should know. Hood cleanings reduce kitchen odors and health risks. A kitchen exhaust system works by pulling [...]

18 01, 2018

Do You Have an Emergency Plan?


We typically do not want to think about the possibility of a grease fire. When work days are busy, creating an emergency plan is often a task that gets put off. Your team having knowledge of how to handle a kitchen fire could make a huge difference and it may only take a day to [...]

22 12, 2017

The Process: Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning


A quality cleaning for your kitchen exhaust system eliminates caked on grease and provides a ‘down to the metal’ clean. Here we will discuss in detail how this happens. It doesn’t take long for a restaurant or other commercial cooking operation to have grease build up on their kitchen exhaust system. This build up is [...]

30 11, 2017

Documentation You May Want to Know About


There is a significant amount of documentation involved with hood cleanings that you may want to know about if you aren’t familiar with it already. After a thorough kitchen exhaust cleaning, several pieces of documentation should be received from the kitchen exhaust cleaning company. The first piece of documentation that should be received after the [...]

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