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We Keep You NFPA 96 Compliant

8 05, 2019

We Keep You NFPA 96 Compliant


The NFPA 96 is a set of codes and standards that are designed to provide protection from kitchen fires and disasters and maintain proper ventilation control set by the National Fire Protection Association. These are standards that fire marshals follow and commercial cooking operations are required to adhere to. It’s our job to keep [...]

10 04, 2019

Grease Lock 365 Grease Filter


If you haven’t already invested in the GL365 grease filter, then this blog is for you! You may be spending more money, time, and resources than necessary if you haven’t made the switch to the Grease Lock 365 filter, yet. Investing in this high-quality grease filter will keep your business cleaner for [...]

6 03, 2019

Preventative Maintenance


Preventative maintenance is vital to preventing any potential problems prior to them happening. This can save you a lot of time, money, and headaches. We practice preventative maintenance in other areas of our life—like when we take vitamins or get our car’s oil changed—so why wouldn’t you keep your restaurant safe and healthy, too? Prevent [...]

6 02, 2019

Look Up: Is Your Ceiling Clean?


Having a clean ceiling is often overlooked by most business owners; maybe because it’s always above you and out of sight. And out of sight means out of mind, right? Well, not always. Especially when it comes to keeping your ceiling clean. Your ceiling takes a beating every day, from the grease, fumes, smoke, [...]

9 01, 2019

Your Commercial Kitchen’s New Years Resolution


Many people make personal New Years resolutions like eating better or working out more, but you can also make resolutions for your professional life also. When it comes to restaurant’s, there is always room for improvement in the kitchen. And now that the busy holiday season has passed it’s the perfect time to start fresh. For [...]

10 12, 2018

What are the Required Commercial Kitchen Exhaust Fan Accessories


When purchasing an upblast fan for your commercial kitchen, there are several exhaust fan accessories you need. Some are required by law, while others make it easier and safer for personnel to access equipment for routine maintenance and cleaning. Exhaust Fan Accessories Required By Law When installing a rooftop ventilator, you should be familiar with [...]

14 11, 2018

How to Prepare for a Commercial Kitchen Health and Fire Safety Inspection


If you’re a facility manager or owner of a commercial kitchen, you know how important health and safety inspections are to the continued operations of your restaurant or facility. You need to ensure that your commercial kitchen is following state and local health regulations. A failing health inspection grade halts operations and results in high repair [...]

22 10, 2018

11 Reasons You Need a Grease Filter


You’re the manager at a restaurant. All of a sudden you begin to smell some strange burning odor. You hold your nose and your eyes start to water. You don’t see any smoke, but it’s become so troubling that customers are complaining and asking what is happening. You go to the source: the kitchen. The [...]

17 09, 2018

Why You Need Your Hood Cleaned


Sizzling wings, crispy fries, juicy burgers, yum! These are all foods your customers love to eat, but the process of cooking them can cause a large amount of grease to build up in commercial kitchen exhaust hood systems. Unfortunately, when not cleaned properly by professionals, this buildup will lead to serious fire hazards, which is the last thing a restaurant, or any [...]

1 08, 2018

Why You Need a Rooftop Grease Containment System


Whether it’s a restaurant, university, or banquet hall, managing a commercial kitchen takes a lot of skill, expertise, and hard work. It also requires a lot of time and money, and chances are when you put that much effort into your business, you’ll want to protect it with a rooftop grease containment system. Want to keep [...]

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